Aug 23, 2014

Internet Phenomanon #2: Donations - Why Aren't We Donating To Cure Narcissism?

It is something that can't be avoided - it's not even only bound to the internet, it's in every media you can think of: the so-called Ice Bucket Challenge. What could have been a real change of pace turned out to be one of those internet fads again.

I will say it right now: I don't spend money for ALS and I don't care at all when somebody critizises me for it. Instead, I donate with something as or more important than money - and I will explain why I find it personally more important than donating money. I will also explain why I find the "You donate money = good guy ; You don't donate money = bad guy" moral very, very flawed.

Aug 15, 2014

Below The Belt - What People Are Blind To

WARNING: If you are sensitive about suicide, have depression, bipolar disorder or any other mental disorder which brings you to the brink of suicide: please read on, but only if you're currently fine and not in a down phase. Otherwise, words may be taken the wrong way and can lead to impulsive, not thought out actions and reactions.

Just because this post is about suicide, it doesn't mean that I'm all sentimental. Even after the suicide of Robin Williams, I feel rather neutral to it. I haven't watched many movies with him but he had an unique talent indeed. Now where he died, reactions are all over the place, especially on Facebook and Twitter. And there are things which upset me greatly and that's why I want to write about suicide. Even if it's written out of a bit of anger and disappointment about the lack of empathy from others, I wanted to write something which is decisive yet should give those on the brink something to think about.